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Poster making Competition

Jan 25, 2024

A poster is a visual medium used to convey information, message, or ideas to a target audience. It typically consists of a large sheet of paper, cardboard, or digital canvas adorned with text, images, graphics, and other visuals elements. Poster making can be done for various purposes, including educational presentations, advertising, informational displays, and artistic expressions. The process typically includes planning the layout, selecting relevant contents, designing the visuals elements, and organizing them in a visually appealing and informative manner. Whether done by hand or digitally, poster making is a versatile and creative activity that allows students and individuals to convey their message visually.
Posters are very important part of a class room. It shows how students learn and teachers instruct. This powerful tool can turn any educational space into a dynamic learning environment.
Poster making is essential for students for several reasons:
• Active Learning: Creating posters requires students to actively engage with the material they are studying. They must select, organize, and present information in a way that makes sense to them, promoting deeper understanding.

• Visual Representation: Posters provide a visual representation of concepts and ideas, making them easier for students. Visual aid help break down complex information into easy parts and can enhance overall understanding.

• Critical Thinking: Designing a poster requires students to think critically about the material they are presenting. They must analyze information, determine key point, and decide how best to convey them to their audience.

• Creative Expression: Posters making allows students to express their creativity. They have the freedom to choose colors, fonts, images, and layouts, encouraging them to think outside the box and develop their artistic skills.

• Presentation skills: presenting a poster to an audience provides students with valuable presentation experience.

Overall, poster making is an essential educational tool and “PRAGRATH” understands & knows the power of this teaching aid. To promote learning, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and presentation skill, “Pragrath” organizes Poster Making Competition under its “Gyatavya Bharat” initiative. “National Days” and the Days of National Importance are the topics for poster making competition.

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